Sunset to Nightlights

These are the last couple of shots I got from the top of one of our local mountains. It wasn’t as amazing as I’d like, it’s one of those places that you have to go and visit several times a year to get that perfect shot. I hope to be visiting this gorgeous point again someday soon 🙂 













  1. “wasn’t as amazing as I’d like”???? These shots are awesome! Can’t wait to see more of them!

    By the way, I like your new branded blog. Very nice!

      1. You really are, haha! Sometimes, though, that is the best way to go. Those pictures are beautiful though. The sunset pic with the bit of pink in the sky is gorgeous!

  2. Very cool!!!! I love the second shot where you captured the setting sun peeking though the clouds I also like the last one where you see the neat surprise of that little village lit up way down in the valley.

      1. Woo… sounds like you have some great ideas! Yahoo Store is pretty popular too, you can check out Kristian Bogner’s website as he has it set up, so does Marina too, she would be a good person to ask! 😀

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