Hearst Castle – My Favorite Rooms

Hearst first approached American architect Julia Morgan with ideas for a new project in April 1915, shortly after he took ownership. Hearst’s original idea was to build a bungalow, according to a draftsman who worked in Morgan’s office who recounted Hearst’s words from the initial meeting:


“I would like to build something upon the hill at San Simeon. I get tired of going up there and camping in tents. I’m getting a little too old for that. I’d like to get something that would be a little more comfortable.”

– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearst_Castle

So, of course, my favorite rooms in the entire castle are the two rooms that have the books lol! I could imagine the movie stars sitting in there, relaxing while reading a book they found off the shelves. 















They called this room his “Office”… I’d like an office like this lol









  1. So, your name is Amanda? So much better than calling you “wannabe” … I visited this “house” in 2000 and was in awe. You’ve taken great photographs that have captured the essence of this incredible house and even more incredible man.

      1. oh yeah! totally! I have a greater appreciation of it now that I’m clicking away. 😀 It’s definitely an art, forcing yourself to take the same shot in a different way. That is such a challenge, to think outside the box (all of these lessons from kristian bogner). Keep on pushing yourself beyond the ‘rules’. You’ll be amazed at the results! (As he says :D).

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